
About Us

Our Story

Our journey began in the days of classic board games like chess, checkers, dominos, Scrabble, and Monopoly, which were more than just fun; they created cherished memories with family and friends. We fondly recall times of laughter, strategy, and friendly competition around the game table. At Wee Wabbit, we’re driven by the belief that board games are powerful tools for connection, memory-making, and a break from today’s digital world. Our mission is to reignite and share this love for family gaming and the timeless joy of board games.

Family playing board games
Hands holding dice playing board game

Our Mission

Our goal at Wee Wabbit is to honor the enduring charm of board games, blending it with digital age ease. We aim to build a rich assortment of game resources and a lively community for discovering new games, connecting with enthusiasts, and creating lasting memories. Join us in rekindling the joy of family gaming, a place where the passion for board games flourishes and memorable moments are crafted.

Let’s meet the Wabbits!

Authors: Earl & Cha

Mommy and Daddy Wabbits

Hello! Cha and Erl here. We’re just simple folks who love spending fun nights with our kids, our family, and our friends. Board and card games, fanatic since we were kids. Always on the lookout for new games to play.


Our Not So "Little" Bunnies

Hannah Banana

Our young adult. Aside from being busy at school and annoying her little sister, loves board games so much that will get mad whenever we play board games without her. Hannah loves adventure, puzzles, funny, engaging, and a bit more mature board or card games,  always ready to try something new.

Hannah Banana

Dannie Donut

Our youngest bunny, critical in nature, is our judge when choosing board games to play at fun night (as long as Mom approves, of course). She always has a small “say” for each game board we play. Dannie loves funny, engaging, and colorful kid games.  (Only games suitable for her young age.)


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Oh! Didn’t I mention 3 of our circle of friends who always love to hang out and play? Sorry! They’re not ready to be mentioned, We don’t want to be branded as a game board geeks like you two!, that’s what they said. (But they “are”, really!)

Oh, well!  We don’t mind! We always are, And we’re proud to be!

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