
Bang! Samurai Sword & Rising Sun: Comprehensive Play Guide

Bang! Samurai Sword & Smurai Sword Rising Sun
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    Bang! Samurai Sword Card Game

    Bang! Samurai Sword”, still carries the spirit of our favorite Bang! card game, but this time in ancient feudal Japan setting. A time when characters like Shogun, Samurai, Ninjas, and Ronin play pivotal roles. Players adopt these iconic roles, each charged with their own crucial tasks, some aim to protect the empire, while others secretly work towards its demise.

    Bang Role Card. Shogun Samurais Ninjas And A Ronin

    Each player adopts a specific role, with unique goals and strategies. Getting to know these roles is essential for mastering the game and outsmarting your rivals.

    Let’s visit each roles, their objectives, and how to play each effectively.


    Shogun Role Card

    The Shogun is the leader and protector. The Shoguns goal is to maintain control and safeguard its Samurai allies.

    The Shogun’s identity is known to all players, making this role both powerful and vulnerable.

    How to Play as the Shogun?


    Samurai Role Card

    Loyal warriors sworn to protect the Shogun. As a Samurai, you work closely with the Shogun to eliminate the Ninjas and Ronin.

    How to Play as the Samurai?


    Ninja Role Card

    Secretive and deceptive, Ninjas aim to overthrow the Shogun. They work in shadows, making them unpredictable foes.

    How to Play as the Ninjas?


    Ronin Role Card

    The wild card of the game, Ronin plays for personal glory. With no allegiance, the Ronin’s objective is to be the last man standing.

    How to Play as the Ronin?

    Bang Samurai Swords Characters

    Each character has a unique ability that helps them in the game. These abilities can make them stronger in attacks, better at defending, or give them special actions they can use.

    Before we introduce our list of characters and their abilities, let’s’ breakdown a character card first.

    Character Card Breakdown

    Our sample character card above is USHIWAKA.

    Character Card Emphasizing The Character Ushiwakas Reselience Points

    The number (4) at the top right corner of the card within a heart, indicates how many wounds Ushiwaka can take before becoming defeated (Harmless). Meaning, Ushiwaka can withstand up to four wounds.

    Resilience Points essentially represent the character’s health.

    Character Card Emphasizing The Character Ushiwakas Ability

    “Each time you suffer 1 wound from a Weapon, draw 1 card from the deck.” This ability allows Ushiwaka to draw a card from the deck every time he is hit by a weapon.

    Ability represents the unique power or special skill that the character has.

    Here are Bang! Samurai Swords’ characters and their abilities.

    Every time Ushiwaka gets a wound from a Weapon, he draws a card. This helps him replace his cards whenever he’s attacked, turning a bad situation into a benefit.
    Nobunaga can give up one Resilience Point to draw a card, but he can’t use his last Resilience Point this way. This gives him a chance to draw more cards even if it means risking his defenses..
    Hanzo can use a Weapon card from his hand to block an attack aimed at him. This ability to parry makes him good at defending himself during battles.
    Ginchiyo receives one less wound from each attack, with a minimum of one wound. This ability makes her harder to take down, especially in heavy attacks.
    Ieyasu can choose to pick the top card from the discard pile instead of drawing from the deck during his Draw phase. This lets him reuse powerful cards that were discarded earlier.
    When Tomoe successfully attacks with a Weapon, she gets to draw a card. This keeps her supplied with more cards to use in the game.
    Goemon can play one extra Weapon card during his turn. This lets him attack more than once in a round, making him a dangerous opponent.
    Kojiro’s weapons can hit any target, no matter the required Difficulty. This makes him a very effective fighter who can always manage to hit his targets.
    All other players have +1 Difficulty when attacking Benkei, making him tougher to hit and enhancing his defensive resilience in battles.
    Hideyoshi gets to draw one extra card during the Draw phase. More cards mean more options, helping him plan better strategies.
    Musashi deals one extra wound when attacking with weapons. This makes him very strong in battles, helping him weaken his enemies faster.
    Chiyome can only be hurt by Weapon cards and is safe from effects of some Action cards like Battle Cry. This makes her tough to defeat with special attacks.

    There are three main types of playing cards that you’ll use to play the game: Weapon Cards, Property Cards, and Action Cards. Each type of card has a specific role and can greatly affect how the game unfolds. Knowing how to use these cards well is essential for winning the game and outwitting your opponents.

    Weapon Cards

    Waepon Cards

    Weapon Cards and Attack Difficulty

    Here are the different WEAPON CARDS we’ll encounter in the game.

    Property Cards

    Property Card

    Property Cards are special cards that give you ongoing benefits throughout the game. Unlike Weapon Cards that are used once and then discarded, Property Cards stay in play in front of you until a specific game effect or another card forces them to be discarded.

    Once you play a Property Card, it stays on the table and keeps giving you its benefit until something in the game forces you to discard it. These benefits can include things like extra defense, the ability to draw more cards, or other advantages that help you throughout the game. Property cards have blue corners.

    Here are the different PROPERTY CARDS we’ll encounter in the game.

    Action Cards

    Action Cards

    Action Cards provide instant effects once played and can dramatically alter the game’s progress. These effects include, but are not limited to, attacking, defending, or altering game rules for brief periods.

    Action Cards are vital for engaging gameplay and can significantly impact the game’s direction. Action cards are those with yellow corners.

    Here are the different ACTION CARDS we’ll encounter in the game.

    Setting Up

    1. Set Up Role Cards

    Samurai Sword Role Distribution Up To 7 Players

    First, determine the number of players. The image guide above is the distribution of roles for the number of players. Based on the number of players, take the appropriate Role cards:

    • 4 players: 1 Shogun, 1 Samurai, 2 Ninjas (remove one Ninja at random).
    • 5 players: 1 Shogun, 1 Samurai, 1 Ronin, 2 Ninjas.
    • 6 players: 1 Shogun, 1 Samurai, 1 Ronin, 3 Ninjas.
    • 7 players: 1 Shogun, 2 Samurai, 1 Ronin, 3 Ninjas.

    2. Distribute Role Cards

    Hand Holding Role Cards

    Shuffle the Role cards and deal one to each player face down. The Shogun reveals their card. Other players keep their roles secret.

    Give out Honor Points based on roles.

    Shogun: Starts with 5 HP.

    All other players: Each start with 4 HP.

    Honor Points

    3. Shuffle Character Cards

    Hand Holding A Character Card Shima

    Shuffle the Character cards and deal one to each player face up. Each player announces their character and places the Resilience Points (RP) shown on their card.

    Each player takes the number of Resilience Points (RP) indicated on their Character card and places them on their card.

    Resiliant Points

    The Shogun follows the same character setup process as the other players, without any additional RPs unless specified by their Character card.

    4. Distribute Playing Cards

    Hand Distributing Playing Cards

    Shuffle the 90 playing cards and deal cards to each player in clockwise order’

    Number of Cards Each Player Receives:

    • Shogun: Gets 4 cards.
    • 2nd and 3rd Players: Each gets 5 cards.
    • 4th and 5th Players (if present): Each gets 6 cards.
    • 6th and 7th Players (if present): Each gets 7 cards.

    Place the remaining cards in the middle of the table, as the draw deck. Leave space for a discard pile.

    Deck Of Playing Cards And A Discard Space

    This would be our table setup assuming we have 7 players.

    Samurai Sword Initial Table Set Up
    Shogun Card

    The game begins with the Shogun taking the first turn, and then turns proceed in a clockwise order from the Shogun. Below is what players does in a turn.

    Each player’s turn is divided into four phases: Recover, Draw, Play, and Discard.

    Let’s start with the Recover Phase.

    1. Recover Phase
    Resilience Points Health Indicator

    In the Recover Phase, the objective is to recover your Resilience Points (RP). If you have zero Resilience Point, you will recover all as indicated on your Character card. However, if you already have one or more, you will skip this phase.

    Next is the Draw Phase.

    2. Draw Phase
    Hand Tanking A Card From The Card Deck

    In the Draw Phase, the objective is to draw cards to replenish your hand. You will draw 2 cards from the draw deck. If the draw deck is empty, you will reshuffle the discard pile to form a new draw deck. Additionally, if you are the Shogun in a 3-player game, you draw an extra card, totaling 3 cards.

    Then, the Play Phase.

    3. Play Phase

    Property Weapon And Action Card

    In the Play Phase, the objective is to use your cards to help yourself or hinder others. You can play any number of cards from your hand, including Weapon cards(see Weapon Cards), Action cards, and Property cards.

    How you play a Property Card?

    How you play a Action Card?

    Last stage in a turn is the Discard Phase.

    4. Discard Phase
    7 Cards At Hand Limit At End Of Turn

    In the Discard Phase, the objective is to manage your hand size. At the end of your turn, you must ensure that you have no more than 7 cards in your hand. If you have more, you need to discard the excess cards until you are left with 7. Then your turn ends, and the next player begins their turn.

    Ending The Game

    The game can end in two main ways: when a player has no Honor Points (HP) left, or through a special victory condition called Victory of the Swordmaster.

    Player 3 Out Of Honor Points

    Running Out of Honor Points

    If one or more players run out of (Honor Points) HP, the game ends immediately.

    Player1 Wins Sword Master

    Victory of the Swordmaster

    If at any point there is only one player left with any Resilience Points (RP), their team wins immediately. This special victory does not apply if the game ends because a player was defeated by a member of their own team.


    At the end of the game, all players reveal their Role cards and calculate their scores as follows:

    Honor Points And Daimyo Card

    1. Count Honor Points (HP)

    • Each player counts their remaining HP.
    • Each player checks for any Daimyo cards in their hand, which are worth 1 HP each (Daimyo cards are worth 0 HP for the Ronin).

    2. Apply Role Multipliers

    • Shogun and Samurai Team:
      • Shogun’s HP are multiplied by 2.
      • Samurai’s HP are added to the Shogun’s total without multiplication.
    • Ninjas:
      • Ninjas add their HP together. In a 4-player game, the Ninja with more stars doubles their points.
    • Ronin:
      • Ronin’s HP are tripled.

    3. Combine Scores for Teams

    • The Shogun and Samurai combine their scores.
    • The Ninjas combine their scores.
    • The Ronin’s score stands alone.

    4. Determining the Winner

    • The team or player with the highest score wins.
    • In the case of a tie:
      • Ninjas win if tied with any other team.
      • The Shogun and Samurai team win if tied with the Ronin.
    Bang! Samurai Sword Rising Sun (expansion)

    Get ready to sharpen your swords and prepare for new challenges with the “Rising Sun” expansion for Bang! Samurai Sword. This exciting addition brings more action, strategy, and fun to your game table. “Rising Sun” adds cool new characters, powerful weapons, and some fun twists to the rules that make every game unpredictable and thrilling.

    Let’s dive into what this expansion has in store and how it will change your Samurai Sword adventures!

    Additional New Characters


    The expansion introduces 12 unique characters, each with their own special abilities that can turn the tide of battle. Let’s look at each one of them, shall we?

    Shima can use his turn to mess with his own cards on the table, like Bleeding Wound or Curse, which can change how things are going during the game.
    Shingen can use lots of weapons at once, more than anyone else. This makes him a strong attacker, especially if he has Focus cards in play.
    Kenshin can be targeted with weapon cards that have a different symbol, but they won’t hurt him.
    If he loses all his Resilience Points but not due to losing honor, his ability kicks in, making him tough to beat.
    Masamune has the cool ability to peek at up to three cards and pick the best one to use. This helps him plan his next moves smartly.
    Lady Chacha
    Lady Chacha
    When she’s targeted by a weapon, she can reveal two cards. If one of the cards shows the same symbol as the weapon, she doesn’t get hurt at all. This makes her great at avoiding damage if she’s lucky with her card reveals.
    At the start of her turn, if Gracia hasn’t lost any Resilience Points, she doesn’t gain any extra benefits. But if she has a Bleeding Wound, she uses her ability first to try and fix that before the wound affects her.
    Okuni is great at avoiding group attacks like Jujutsu or Battle Cry, making her less vulnerable to big, collective moves by other players.
    Yoshihiro’s special skill only works with weapons. If he gets hurt and loses a Resilience Point because of a weapon, other cards or abilities won’t trigger his effect.
    Yukimura has a powerful ability where if he hits you and you lose your last Resilience Point to his attack, you have to give him an Honor Point and end your turn right away. This doesn’t work if you’re already hurt by a Bleeding Wound.
    Every time he plays a card with a Shinto temple symbol, he can draw an extra card from the deck. This means he can keep replenishing his hand, making him ready for whatever comes next in the game.
    Kanbei can’t use the properties he holds in his hand but he can throw away trouble-causing cards like Bushido, Bleeding Wound, or Curse, which helps him manage bad situations.

    Additional New Weapons

    Difficulty: 2
    Wounds Inflicted: 1 wound for each Property in play in front of the wounded player.

    Difficulty: 3
    Wounds Inflicted: 1 wound for each Honor Point of the wounded player.
    Difficulty: 1
    Wounds Inflicted: 1 wound; if used on yourself, you gain 1 Honor Point and end your turn if you lose your last Resilience Point.
    Shigetoyo Yumi
    Difficulty: 1
    Wounds Inflicted: 1 wound; allows you to play an additional weapon after this one.
    Manriki Gusari
    Manriki Gusari
    Difficulty: 3
    Wounds Inflicted: 1 wound; if it deals any wound, the wounded player must discard 1 card from his hand.
    Difficulty: 2
    Wounds Inflicted: 2 wounds; the target must use a weapon to parry instead of a Parry card.
    Difficulty: 1
    Wounds Inflicted: 1 wound; if it deals any wound, the weapon is taken back into your hand immediately.
    Difficulty: 1
    Wounds Inflicted: 1 wound; can be played against players with no cards in hand.
    Difficulty: 2
    Wounds Inflicted: 1 wound; may be played as a Parry.
    Difficulty: 2
    Wounds Inflicted: 1 wound; may be played as a Parry.

    Additional New Properties

    Each time you play a Koi card, a player of your choice draws 1 card from the deck.
    Attendant (Attendente)
    During your Draw Phase, draw 1 additional card.
    Curse (Maledizione)
    When you lose all your Resilience Points, discard all your Properties in play.
    Bleeding Wound
    Bleeding Wound (Ferita Aperta)
    Wound if you lose 1 Honor Point. On your turn, reveal Origami symbol and you lose 1 Resilience Point (unless it’s your last).
    Peasant (Contadino)
    Instead of suffering 1 wound, you may discard Peasant from play.

    Additional New Action Cards

    Concurrent Attack
    Concurrent Attack (Attacco Simultaneo)
    Discard 1 Resilience Point (not your last), then pick another player to lose 1 Resilience Point (not his last). This aggressive card forces both you and another player to lose resilience, making it a risky but potentially game-changing move.
    Mimicry (Imitazione)
    Take any property in play. This allows you to directly influence the game by acquiring key properties from other players, enhancing your own position or weakening theirs.
    Intuition (Intuizione)
    All non-harmless players show a card. You choose one and take it.
    Counter Attack
    Counterattack (Contrattacco)
    Counts as a Parry against weapons. The attacker chooses to discard a Parry card or suffer 1 wound. This gives you a defensive option that can also turn the tables on the attacker.

    Gameplay Changes and Additions

    Rising Sun isn’t just about new characters and weapons; it also introduces exciting changes to the rules and game dynamics that can alter how each round unfolds.

    Here’s what’s new:

    New Rules

    1. Banzai!

    This new rule adds a dramatic twist. When a player loses all their Resilience Points, they must now immediately discard a number of cards from the draw deck equal to their starting Resilience Points. This simulates a desperate, last-ditch effort to stay in the game, making each character’s endgame even more thrilling.

    2. Reveal
    Symbol Name And Probability Table

    Sometimes, the game will ask you to “reveal” a card. This means you’ll flip the top card of the draw deck and check its symbol. If the revealed symbol matches specific requirements, certain abilities or effects are triggered. This adds an element of luck and surprise, making each turn potentially game-changing.

    3. Shogun Priority in Ties

    The way ties are resolved has changed to add more depth to team strategies. Now, if there’s a tie at the end of the game, the Samurai/Shogun team wins over any other team. However, if the tie is between the Ninja and the Ronin, the Ninja will win, just like in the basic game. This rule emphasizes the importance of team alliances and strategic planning throughout the game.

    4. New Rules for Different Number of Players
    Rising Sun Role Distrebution Up To 8 Players

    The Rising Sun expansion introduces tailored rules for 4, 6, and 8 player games, each set designed to balance the game.

    Here’s how roles have shifted:

    Rules for 4 and 6 Players

    Random Samurai Role

    At the beginning of the game, we choose one Samurai role card randomly from two options and mix it with other roles. The Samurai card not chosen is put away and not used in that game.

    Samurai Role Card With 1 Star

    Scoring Changes Based on Samurai Stars

    Samurai Role Card With 3 Stars

    If the Samurai card with 1 star is played, the Shogun’s score at the end of the game is doubled. This means the Shogun becomes more important.

    If the Samurai card with 3 stars is played, it’s the Samurai’s score that doubles because of their key role in leading attacks.

    Shogun Rising Sun With 2 Star

    Shogun Easy Identification

    The Shogun role card has 2 stars on it, which helps everyone remember that the score gets doubled .

    Rules for 8 Players
    8 Players Unique To Rising Sun 1 Shogun 2 Samurai 3 Ninjas 2 Ronin 1

    All Role Cards in Play

    When there are 8 players, we use all the new roles to make the game exciting. The Shogun starts with 5 Honor Points, and everyone else starts with 4.

    Ronin Role Card With 1 Star

    Two Ronin in the Game

    Ronin Role Card With 2 Stars

    There are two Ronin, one with 1 star and another with 2 stars, and they are secretly on the same team but don’t know each other.

    The Ronin with 2 stars can double their score at the end of the game, showing their hidden strength. The Ronin with 1 star does not get this bonus.

    Neither Ronin cares about the Daimyo, which means that role doesn’t help them win.

    wee wabbit logo
    Stay hoppy!

    Hey everyone, it’s Wee! Jumping into the world of Samurai Sword and its expansion, Rising Sun. It’s basically the game Bang! but set in feudal Japan, which is pretty cool if you’re into strategy and a bit of historical flair.

    Playing this game is super fun with friends or family because it mixes thinking ahead with some unexpected twists. Just a heads-up, though—there are moments when things can get a bit slow, especially when everyone’s plotting their next move. If you’re all about fast-paced action, this might test your patience a bit.

    The Rising Sun expansion is a game-changer. It blends right in with the original game and adds some new characters and roles that spice things up without making everything more complicated. Definitely a must add to everyone’s collection.

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